Learn CSS for free

There are many great resources out there if you want to learn CSS and learn it right. And best of all, it won’t cost you a thing!
Below you’ll find a list of our favorite ones.
There are, of course, many ways to learn CSS. But these sites — and especially Kevin Powell’s YouTube channel — are the places we would recommend if you want to get a solid CSS foundation.
If you have other examples of free CSS learning sites and resources, please post them in the comments.
Table of Contents
Kevin Powell, YouTube
The first place we want to direct you is Kevin Powell’s fantastic YouTube channel. We have learned more from his videos than from any other resource. Kevin is passionate about CSS, and it shows — he’s a fantastic teacher and just a delight to watch.
As he writes:
Helping you learn how to make the web, and make it look good while you’re at it. With videos every Tuesday and Thursday, I’ll be bringing you How-Tos and Tutorials, as well as simple tips and tricks, with a big focus on helping people see how wonderful CSS is!
YouTube: https://youtube.com/kevinpowell
Website: https://www.kevinpowell.co
At his YouTube channel, you’ll find some great sections and courses to start out with, like Getting Started with CSS, Master CSS Layouts, and HTML & CSS Core Concepts
The CSS section of W3Schools.com is the go-to site for CSS documentation, but they also have great tutorials and examples.
And you can learn about HTML, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, and more on this site too.
Another awesome place to start learning CSS is freeCodeCamp (yes, it is spelled with a lower case “f” :-)
I would recommend you simply go to freeCodeCamp.org and search for “learn css”. Or you can have me to do it for you and just click here.
You will find a treasure trove of free courses like Web Development for Beginners, Learn CSS Basics by Building a Card Component and Learn CSS in ONE hour - Free and interactive 20-part course.
While not exactly a course site, you can find many excellent articles and guides on Medium, plus links to free resources like this one: My favorite free courses to learn HTML and CSS in 2021.
Codeacademy also has excellent resources, like Learn HTML and Learn CSS, again totally free.
CSS-Tricks.com is our go-to site when we have to look up anything CSS-related.
It’s just a fantastic and comprehensive site, especially the almanac of selectors and properties and the guides section that will teach you pretty much anything.
And of course, let’s not forget good old Google. Because, as Lisa Simpson once said (actually will say, the episode was set in the future):
Google, you may have enslaved half the world, but you’re still a damn fine search engine…
And a simple search for “free css course” will indeed get you lots of links to great content — and some trash too, but the first many links are usually good.
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